myGov update industry briefing supplementary information
25 March 2020
We held an industry briefing on 23 March 2020 to provide further information on our search for a strategic partner for our work on the myGov Update. We’re providing this supplementary information to help interested sellers frame a response to our recently published opportunity on the Digital Marketplace.
Here are the four things that sellers wanted more information on.
1. Life events journeys
A life event journey is the set of activities people must engage in to reach an outcome or meet their needs from a user’s perspective. There are common issues or pain points users face when dealing with government during these journeys. Australians need to interact with many services across all levels of government during important life event journeys – such having a baby or looking for work.
The myGov update platform provides an opportunity to address these issues and pain points by reorganising, personalising and integrating services around life event journeys.
Having a baby life event journey
Having a baby is a complex life event journey. There are many touch-points with government services, different needs for assistance, and it can be frustrating for new parents to provide the same information to different government agencies. New parents need to visit shop-fronts in person, which can be inconvenient, time-consuming and needlessly stressful. It’s difficult for people to know what is going on, where to get information from, and the status of their applications and forms.
The myGov Update will help to solve these pain points by proactively providing information, giving new parents clear and step-by-step information in plain English, implementing a ‘tell us once’ model of providing information, and giving them visibility of how their applications are progressing.
2. Release phases
There are three key releases for myGov update which we have called our Horizon releases.
Horizon 0
Horizon 0 was both introduced and released last week and applied the design elements of the project to a new home page of focused on the coronavirus pandemic. is now the central point for people to access Coronavirus information across government.
Horizon 1
A new government platform to provide personalised content, with a web-based myGov inbox, opt-in notifications and login access to myGov to provide more customized content.
Horizon 2
The platform will be a place where people can browse information and, once logged in, manage their interactions with government in a central place. The new front end will provide dashboard, profile, inbox and forms, along with information systems such as content pages and notifications.
An integration layer will sit over the myGov systems, providing a way for information to flow back and forth between the myGov website and the myGov systems.
The platform will collect services, apps and other customer experience capabilities to give users everything they need. This will operate on a 'Netflix' model, providing users with what they need to do next based on their previous interactions with government services — similar to Netflix’s 'recommended for you'.
3. Prototype screenshots
We have already developed a prototype demonstrating the platform’s customer service and integration capabilities as shown in the Services Australia vision video. We demonstrated the prototype at the industry briefing. Below are some screenshots of the prototype to show some of the capabilities.
What we are looking for
- Strategic partner — to pull in best-in-breed solutions and services
- Agile and flexible — to adapt to the priorities of the day
- Collaboration — to work with our government and industry partners
- Capabilities — across multiple disciplines to provide coverage across our needs
- Design reuse — making use of what we can to fast-track delivery
- Business and technology integration — to provide an end-to-end service to citizens
- Compliance and regulatory — accessibility, privacy and security
4. Responding to the opportunity
- Sellers can provide multiple delivery options within their response to this opportunity.
- Sellers must respond to this request through the Digital Marketplace.
- Only the systems integrator needs to be on the Digital Marketplace.
- We have included enough time in the schedule to allow sellers to join the Digital Marketplace through the standard application process.
- The RFQ documentation is publicly available on the our website.
Further information
We have provided more detailed information in the supplementary information document (.DOCX, 4.3MB). We have also provided a 'Questions and answers' document to help sellers (.DOCX, 94KB). If you have any problems using this content, please contact us at
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