DTA launches new Digital hub
26 July 2024
The DTA is streamlining how the Australian Government’s digital directions and frameworks are shared across the APS with the new digital.gov.au.

The DTA have publicly opened our new Beta digital.gov.au site for exploration and feedback. digital.gov.au aims to unify all things ‘digital’ that are underway across the government.
By bringing together key standards, frameworks and policies under one banner, members of the Australian Public Service (APS) and members of the public will be able to efficiently access important resources.
‘This site sets out to be agency agnostic,’ explains Andrew Morrison, Chief Technology Officer for the DTA.
‘As we continue building out the site, the intention is that our APS colleagues – and the general public – will be able to explore the entire suite of digital material without needing to know which agency leads the work.’
‘digital.gov.au as a central catalogue epitomises “no wrong doors”. It means digital experts within government can easily find and join-the-dots between a wide variety of work, improving future initiatives and their outcomes.’
Open to feedback
As the site launches in Beta, we’re encouraging users to provide feedback, not just on the experience with digital.gov.au, but recommendations for what content they would like to see added to the site. We’ll provide updates on the site, highlighting changes that have been made in response to feedback received.
Material relating to digital government will be rolled out iteratively and gradually as key resources are reviewed and updated. We’re aiming to release a roadmap of upcoming content in the coming weeks.
‘Our work in improving the availability of this content has motivated the DTA to go back over some of our core guidance and overhaul it to suit this new direction for distribution,’ states Chris Fechner, Chief Executive Officer of the DTA.
‘We’re excited to bring more recognition to vital work conducted across the government as digital.gov.au expands.’
The Digital Transformation Agency is the Australian Government's adviser for the development, delivery and monitoring of whole-of-government strategies, policies and standards, for digital and ICT investments and procurement.
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