Find out more
What you need to know about the Coaching for Women in Digital program.
What is included?
Following an upfront strengths assessment and debrief, there will be a formal ‘kick-off’ session in December, with inspiring speakers talking about their own personal journey.
There are seven two-hour virtual group coaching sessions, including the strengths debrief. You will also have the opportunity to connect and network with participants across government in a trusted environment.
The program includes:
- additional networking opportunities
- a digital learning resource and collaboration platform to support and reinforce your learning.
There will be a final celebration and networking event, where you can become part of the alumni network, enabling continued connection.
Program eligibility
I am acting in an EL1 role however my substantive role level is different. Am I eligible?
Yes. Eligibility for non EL1s is on a case by case basis. If you have Manager approval, please submit your expression of interest. For example, high performing APS6 candidates, and those who are acting in EL1 roles may benefit from this program.
I have taken part in the EL1 Women in Digital Coaching Program before. Am I eligible?
Yes. The program content and structure has been redesigned, so we encourage you to take part for a fresh learning experience and new learning outcomes. If you are an EL2, we have other development opportunities such as the Women in IT Executive Mentoring (WITEM™), and the Digital Profession for all people working in digital in the APS.
For people working part-time
The program supports flexible working arrangements, with strategies to help you navigate these challenges and make the most of your opportunities. The average monthly time commitment is 3 hours. Participants will have the option to change timeslots for each coaching session if required. Events and presentations will be recorded, and you will have access to an online platform with additional resources, scheduling and collaboration opportunities.
Additional frequently asked questions
We had some great questions at the information session on 14 October. We have provided answers to those below. You can also watch the recording of the session.
This is a large investment for my agency/organisation. What does the investment cover?
This is not your average development course! This is a 2 year + program, where the first year is focused on formal engagement through group coaching and supporting coursework with a monthly time commitment of a few hours. The second year extends your learning with continued access to the bespoke digital platform (including resources and interactive collaboration) and alumni network to support sustained capability uplift and connection. You will have the opportunity to build a whole of government network and self-determine your development based on your personal objectives and goals.
What are the dates of the key program sessions?
We are still confirming what works for our participants so the following dates are indicative only.
- Session 1: Strengths Assessment Debrief (virtual) – Multiple session options between 23–30 November 2020. Participants must have completed the Strengths Assessment prior to attending this session.
- Kick-off event (virtual) - In the week 7–11 December 2020 (likely to be 10th December)
- Session 2: Course content (virtual) – likely to be held within the first two weeks of February 2021, such as between 1–12 February
- Sessions 3 – 7: Course content (virtual) – Timing to be confirmed, approximately once per month between March to July 2021
- Celebration networking event (virtual or face-to-face to be determined) – Timing to be confirmed, likely to be August 2021
- Access to digital resource and collaboration platform – 24 months, until November 2022
What makes this program different?
- 2 year program. Focused development in the first 12 months with coaching, a digital platform with resources and challenges, and engagement ongoing in the second 12 months with the continuation of access to the digital resource platform, and an ongoing alumni network
- not just ‘another program’ – a self-driven course based on individual participant goals, and with active reinforcement and application of learning in the workplace for enduring capability uplift
- digital learning platform elevates the experience across the program, providing access to with resources, thought leadership, engagement/interaction with peers, behavioural challenges to help you embed learnings
- support for agencies in the attraction and retention of high performing women in digital related roles – through the provision of differentiated development, better support and connection
- enhanced whole of government connection, collaboration and support through the program and alumni network.
- experience is human-centred and flexible (mixed delivery and schedule).
I can’t make the entire program due to personal reasons. Can I still take part?
Please contact us. We are open to discussing flexible arrangements. If you are able to make most of the program, we’d encourage you to confirm your place and note that the program is effective across 24 months.
Will this program cover technical skills development in digital?
We are still forming the program content, as it must be relevant for, and driven by, the participants we have on the program. If there is sufficient interest in a particular skill, we will endeavour to cover it. This program is also driven by individual participant goals, whereby if you have a goal to develop a specific skillset, this program will support you with tools, practical insights and support to take action and empower you on your development journey.
Will I be assigned a mentor?
No, this program involves group coaching, one-to-many, as opposed to one-on-one.
If you’re looking for a mentor specifically, think about why you are looking for a mentor and what you would hope to get from that and whether this program offers some of that.
How are the groups assigned for the group coaching?
We’re still working on this and we’d like to hear from you. Our thinking at the moment is that they will be:
- By time of day (for example, the early morning Tuesday cohort) so that it generally suits your calendar
- Include a diverse group (not just 1 location and a mix of agencies)
We’re also mindful that people won’t always be able to attend as things come up, however, we would like to preserve the psychological safety and trust that goes with having a consistent group.
What is the monthly time commitment?
The minimum monthly time commitment is approximately 3 hours, accounting for the dedicated group coaching session and the pre-session and post-session work. You are also able to spend more time, as your calendar allows, interacting with the digital resource and collaboration platform.
Will any travel be involved and does my Department need to cover this cost?
The majority of sessions will be delivered virtually and have been designed as such to help accommodate flexibility in each individual’s calendar. We may consider running a face-to-face celebration event in one location, or major city locations depending on our participant group. We would discuss this with participants closer to the time. In the case that a face-to-face event is decided on, agencies would be liable for the organisation and cost of travel.
Get in touch
For further information, please visit Digital Profession