Cloud contract templates for government buyers
We’re helping to make it easier for cloud buyers and sellers to do business together by providing new cloud contract templates.

These cloud contract templates are available for government buyers to source cloud services and complement the DTA’s existing suite of digital sourcing contract templates. The contract template suite ensures buyers are supported when sourcing outside of our marketplaces.
To source cloud services, we recommend that buyers use the Cloud Marketplace in the first instance. The DTA’s Cloud Marketplace is designed to meet the needs of government cloud buyers in most situations and is expanding all the time to include new sellers and their cloud offerings.
Cloud contract templates framework
The cloud contract templates provide buyers and sellers with a common contractual baseline which is consistent with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules and government policies.
The templates are suitable for Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, services or solutions that may include minor variations and basic support services to assist in transition and implementation.
There are 2 cloud contract templates – the cloud sourcing contract template and cloud services minimum terms template.
Cloud sourcing contract template
The cloud sourcing contract template is a complete model contract which provides:
- a governance framework appropriate for cloud products and services
- an outline of buyer and seller obligations which address the risks of using cloud products and services
- model clauses around security, information and data management protections.
Cloud services minimum terms template
The cloud services minimum terms template has been developed in response to user research which told us that a full model contract is not suitable in all situations. The minimum terms template is intended for use in an approach to market and seeks to clarify the minimum terms of any agreement which the government is able to accept. The template:
- aligns with the structure of the cloud contract sourcing template
- provides the same contract protections as the cloud sourcing contract template
- is used in the limited instances where the full template is unsuitable
Additional guidance on each of the minimum terms is available to agencies through the ICT Procurement Portal. You must be logged into the Portal to view the guidance.
Get in touch
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